$ whois
I am a PhD student at the
Computing Systems Lab of the
School Electrical and Computer Engineering
at the National Technical University of Athens.
My advisor is Prof. Georgios Goumas.
Research Interests
My research interests lie in the field of Operating Systems and Virtualization.
My main focus is on virtual memory, its overheads and the OS / HW interaction
in the context of virtual memory, especially for the ARMv8-A and RISC-V ISAs.
I'm also interested in the efficient sandboxing of applications, mainly in the context of serverless execution.
- [Feb. 2025] Our paper CXLfork: Fast Remote Fork over CXL Fabrics
has been accepted@ASPLOS'25!
- [Nov. 2024] Our work
eBPF-mm: Userspace-guided memory management in Linux with eBPF
has won 2nd place in the undergraduate ACM SRC catergory@MICRO'24!
- [Jul. 2024] Our paper
Elastic Translations: Fast virtual memory with multiple translation sizes
has been accepted@MICRO'24!
- [Apr. 2023]Our poster
Transparent OS Support for Variable Translation Sizes
has been accepted@Eurosys'23!
Teaching (TA)
Work Experience
Prior to starting my PhD, I worked as an SRE and cloud engineer. I was also a
Gentoo Linux developer, assisting with the
maintenance of the Gentoo
Linux Kernel.
You can find more details in my CV.
Artifact Evaluation Committees
Chloe Alverti, Stratos Psomadakis, Burak Ocalan, Shashwat Jaiswal, Tianyin Xu, Josep Torrellas
Just accepted!
Konstantinos Mores, Stratos Psomadakis, Georgios Goumas
2nd Place in the Undergraduate Category!
Stratos Psomadakis, Chloe Alverti, Vasileios Karakostas, Christos Katsakioris, Dimitris Siakavaras, Konstantinos Nikas, Georgios Goumas, Nectarios Koziris
Christos Katsakioris, Chloe Alverti, Konstantinos Nikas, Dimitrios Siakavaras, Stratos Psomadakis, Nectarios Koziris
Nikolaos-Charalampos Papadopoulos, Stratos Psomadakis, Vasileios Karakostas, Nectarios Koziris, Dionisios N Pnevmatikatos
RISC-V Summit Europe'24, Posters
Aristotelis Vontzalidis, Stratos Psomadakis, et al.
Euro-Par'23, Posters and Demos.
Stratos Psomadakis, Georgios Goumas
Christos Katsakioris, Chloe Alverti, Konstantinos Nikas, Stratos Psomadakis, Vasileios Karakostas, Nectarios Koziris
Patrick Damme et al
Chloe Alverti, Stratos Psomadakis, Vasileios Karakostas, Jayneel Gandhi, Konstantinos Nikas, Georgios I. Goumas, Nectarios Koziris
Stratos Psomadakis, Stefanos Gerangelos, Dimitrios Siakavaras, Ioannis A. Papadakis, Marina Vemmou, Aspa Skalidi, Vasileios Karakostas, Konstantinos Nikas, Nectarios Koziris, Georgios I. Goumas
Middleware Posters and Demos'19
Orestis Lagkas Nikolos, Konstantinos Papazafeiropoulos, Stratos Psomadakis, Anastassios Nanos, Nectarios Koziris
Vasileios Karakostas et al
Aimilios Tsalapatis, Stefanos Gerangelos, Stratos Psomadakis, Konstantinos Papazafeiropoulos, Nectarios Koziris
Anastassios Nanos, Nikos Nikoleris, Stratos Psomadakis, Elisavet Kozyri, Nectarios Koziris
Orestis Lagkas Nikolos, Chloe Alverti, Stratos Psomadakis, Georgios Goumas, Nectarios Koziris
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